Have you heard about our Livestreams?

Keep an eye on our Facebook page as Naturalist/Education Specialist, Natalie, invites you to catch an in-depth glimpse of the inner workings here at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center via live video. This format provides fans from across the world with the opportunity to interact with our staff and animals in real time!

Each week we highlight a different resident animal or unique aspect of work here at the AWCC. So far we have covered topics ranging from bear feeding to collecting browse for hoofstock diets to meeting Heath the porcupine up close!

Can’t make the scheduled time? Videos are posted once the stream concludes and viewers are encouraged to continue to post questions in response! We keep a close eye on those comment sections and make sure to keep up with answering your inquiries. Don’t worry if you’re not on Facebook, videos are also posted to a playlist on our Youtube page!


Check it out HERE!