Adopt A Black Bear

Kuma is a male black bear that was brought to AWCC in May 2002, weighing only three pounds. He was found alone in a hole in a backyard in Trapper Creek, AK. The homeowner was putting in a septic system and when the mother bear passed by, the cub fell in and was unable to climb out. When the cub was discovered, the sow was nowhere to be found.

Uli is a female black bear that was found wandering the streets of Juneau just one week after Kuma arrived at AWCC. She was also alone and her mother was nowhere in sight. She was named after the Alaska Airlines employee who assisted with her flight and safe transfer to AWCC.

Kobuk was brought to AWCC in the spring of 2016. He was found as an orphan in Valdez, Alaska after his mother had been chased off by dogs. Kobuk had become dependent on searching through trash cans for food, so to stop this bad habit of his and any potential conflicts it may have caused with humans, Kobuk was rescued and transferred to AWCC. Kobuk has since thrived! He loves climbing trees, playing with balls filled with honey and blueberries as well as interacting with our animal care staff.

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Gift Certificates

AWCC offers Gift Certificate options for a variety of our tours and encounters.  Gift someone an experience they won’t forget!

Purchase a Gift Card

By adopting an animal at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center, you can enjoy animal parenthood without all the work! Our professional staff will provide a special diet, environment, and veterinary care that your animal requires. You’ll enjoy wonderful benefits with each adoption level, as well as the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to provide a good home for your selected animal at the AWCC. Adopted animals remain in the care of AWCC.

Adoption Levels & Benefits:

Opt Green Option: All levels may choose to receive adoption certificates digitally or to opt out of the gifts and have 100% of your adoption amount to support our animals.

The Skulk Level $30
The Green option! It includes digital adoption certificate and the digital quarterly newsletter. (This option is digital and is available internationally. Shipping not available.) If purchasing as a gift, please include recipient’s emails in the “Order Notes” at checkout. Tax-deductible amount $25.

The Chain Level $50
Adoption certificate, small animal plush toy*, animal trading card, and the digital quarterly newsletter.
*Reindeer & Muskox not available at this level. Tax-deductible amount $25.

The Prickle Level $100
Adoption certificate, large animal plush toy, animal trading card, and the digital quarterly newsletter. Tax-deductible amount $50.

The Yoke Level $100
Adoption certificate, T-shirt (please indicate size), animal trading card, and the digital quarterly newsletter. Tax-deductible amount $50.

The Gang Level $500
Adoption certificate, tote bag, animal plush toy, T-shirt (please indicate size), and the digital quarterly newsletter. Tax-deductible amount $410.

The Parliament Level $1,000
Adoption certificate, a Walk on the Wild Side tour for 4 people (reservations required), and the digital quarterly newsletter. Tax-deductible amount $495.