Research at AWCC
Research is an important part of the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center mission.
Our staff and volunteers participate in supporting a wide range of research-based projects to further conservation efforts. Whether it be Beluga Monitoring, Rufous Hummingbird banding, or supporting biologists collecting data, AWCC engages in multiple opportunities to be involved in research pertaining to conservation of Alaskan wildlife and ecosystems. In conjunction with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska Beluga Monitoring Program, NOAA fisheries and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the AWCC is highly committed to supporting and engaging with research opportunities with positive movements within ecology and conservation.
Rufous Hummingbirds
Rufous hummingbirds, among the smallest species, undertake extensive migrations between Mexico and Alaska, posing research challenges that biologists address through banding efforts to study their migration, habitat, and conservation needs.
Beluga Whales
The endangered Cook Inlet beluga whale, genetically distinct and geographically isolated, faces threats like habitat degradation and human activities, with recovery efforts focused on monitoring and research to address critical data gaps and aid population restoration.
Brown Bears
The AWCC has supported biologists collecting data that has helped provide valuable biological information about brown bears in Alaska.
Report Observations
Be a part of the research effort.
AWCC is an eBird Hotspot!
eBird is an online database of bird observations providing scientists, researchers and amateur naturalists with real-time data about bird distribution and abundance. Guests and staff report sightings of birds visiting AWCC and you can too! Check out what birds have been seen at AWCC and report your sightings here.
Report your observations from the AWCC.
iNaturalist is a social network of naturalists, citizen scientists, and biologists built on the concept of mapping and sharing observations of biodiversity across the globe. Data from this program is incorporated into existing databases and shared with researchers and biologists to inform ongoing research, conservation, and management efforts. AWCC staff and guests report observations and so can you! Check out what has recently been observed at AWCC and report your findings here.